Our sweet blue-eyed grass from the backyard lawn now reverted to meadow, they are positively explosive this year, I never saw such tall, thick and heavy clumps, whata lotta precious fiery blue jewels they are, blue-eyed beauties springing all about the yard singing about rain and sunshine and heat. Cardinal sits quietly on the oak branch overhead watching.
One can pick them out from all the other non-blooming (don't want to say dull!...) clumps of grasses because the grass leaves are like little thin tiny iris leaves for they are in the iris family. Here is more info: http://2bnthewild.com/plants/H192.htm They say "There are many species under the rubric Blue-eyed Grass with only slight details of their form to distinguish them. They are not grasses of course but instead related to the Irises."
Index- plants in this FamilyIridaceae / Iris
I assume it is the Eastern Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium atlanticum) but will have to measure.
1 week ago