2 days ago
April 26, 2001
"You've Blown It All Sky High...by telling me a lie....without a reason why...you've blown it all sky high." A couple of very nice-sounding young men with their throbbing spaceship motors that sounded like a giant mother's heartbeat, up in the sky. At 6 am I was still there listening. All the onions are in, wanted to weed the horseradish and the cornsalad yet. All the living world is swelling & exploding with this heat & light. Bittersweet pink peach blossoms. Barn owls flying in the wet snow at nite(week or so ago), crying in the dark. A robin nest here, a robin nest there. A goose & three ducks. Mouse in a trap. In the Canadian comic the oldest fella sez no wonder they call this thing a curser... Lies like the tangled red ball of worms in the fully rotted, fully composted leaves, carried by car & truck by folks too ignorant to compost their own wastes.
April 18, 2001
Enough wet snow last nite to whiten all the fields here in northern Berks county. Terrific wind now drying everything off so hopefully we can complete our tilling tasks on the garden plot. already there are many volunteer purple Japanese cabbages and other greens that overwintered well. also no shotage of corn salas and arugula that sprouted 3rd crop over the winter. Happy Dirt Day--on Sundady actuallly, but Youngstown University is celebrating it today. Reading up on the Cascades & the Olympic Peninsula of Washigton State. Forgot to tell Bonnett we were actually walking around McDonald with a real, although slow-moving, GPS, the other week.
Can anyone out there recommend any software useful in making geological diagrams?
test link insert here:....
Can anyone out there recommend any software useful in making geological diagrams?
test link insert here:....
April 08, 2001
Horrific thunderstorm last nite, March 7, in the wee hours with very near strikes & flooding. Cindy Lou Hoo of the blueberry pies and wheat grass. Bad news that Lizard teas are going awol & we'll never ever get to taste Eros... We ate from our own land tonite-clippings from the Egyptian (multiplier) onions I planted last very late autumn next to the homeless decorative sage I brought home falls before that. Milan, two days after my birthday, 8:32 am; the day after my birthday, 11:50 am 38 minutes; the day before my grandmther's birthday, 12:06 pm, 23 minutes; my grandmother's birthday, 7:30 am and 7:59 am.
April 01, 2001
Last day of March near Wilmont Ohio, near Amish heartland Rick P. & Griffin & Doug & I at the Wilderness Center after a planetarium conference. Emerged to the crashing pealing of peepers in full cry. Came down the hill in the dusking time and heard the peenting and chittering of at least 2 woodcocks in the fields below. Friday afternoon saw a turkey vulture (well the brown ones--I think they are turkey, not black) perched on carrion beside the road in 2 different places. Also hearing turkeys call beside the Clarion River every morning. Spring is coming like a bulldozer...like a herd of buffalo... Tonite in honor of the first day of April we are all going out to look at the supposed projection of an advertisement on the full moon. Wish we could see the aurora borealis that they are seeing in other parts of the country.
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