April 30, 2011

A spammer phishing for some kind of info from this Brazilian who translates anime never realized his made-up address was a real address so now we are getting tons of visitors expecting Brazilian anime on this blog - yah well ~ (( CLICK TO ENLARGE))
Then there's the part about all the little anime addicts - none of which seem over 15 - mistaking each spam comment as a real remark... hmmm... a little trouble negotiating real vs.virtual?

Dimichan and Dimitria are the same person, one is her LiveJournal ID and the other is her blogger ID, and this is all they could say:
Anonymous Dimichan said...
you're going to stay in my Livejournal talking some stuff ... will seek to do
April 27, 2011 7:03 PM
Blogger ~Dimitria said...
Hi. This coment above is not from me, I swear! I don't know who did this. Probably just a brat. So sorry for the bother =/
April 28, 2011 4:49 AM

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