2 days ago
September 16, 2002
the germ, the speck, the spot, the first drop, the scratch, the inkling, the dink, the dankery, dankery-do, the where-with-you: the festering idea of the Tale of Two Valleys, One of Paper, One of Steel What do they have betwixt common: carbon. The stuff of stars (space art) We take their taconite from their Range; there is a box sitting in the Youngstown University: it is red and white & black and reads: "Appleton Papers".... Here in Youngstown we've fallen down, sweet Jenny, you furnace, you! burning bright, get out to do those mills, get out, get out 'cause now he sings of the Rising... It's hot and cold, and now the sun is shining. The hiker from the hills is alive!
August 24, 2002
continuously editing....
For Ann and Ellis
We'll Sing In The Sunshine (a fav since a kid, just happened to finally find the lyrics)
continuously editing....
§ other home: http://www.geocities.com/diwigy
For Ann and Ellis
- July 3. the thinnest little Chihuahua dog I ever saw trotting, alone, briskly, purposefully down the sidewalk, Niles. A tractor trailer goes streaming past painted with humongous potatoes and ?Wisconsin grown potatoes? heading westward, also Niles.
- ?Suddenly very flat around Milan.
- ?Gaping black mouths of coal cars yawing empty under the overpass, next to large glowing ochre wheat fields, stretching out far away, all flattened by wind & rain.
- ??Animal Present When Flashing? signs newly installed every 100 yards involving an electric beam trip wire.
- ?Sun in big red rubber ball moment over sea of vast industrial intrigue outside Chicago?never saw anything so exciting, really wild & stimulating. Liked seeing all the stations alongside the highway with a crowd of people waiting for the trains
- ?encaustic on ceiling tile, translucent plasticine boxes, origami, burned and rubbed gourd, scraped bracket fungi, nature printing should employ walking for pressure
- How Things Begin (unpublished) ?with origami, with ravens
- ? Let it be known throughout the land that [these 2] who have chosen each other out of all the species, with the design to be each other?s entertainment and mutual comfort, have, in that action, bound themselves to be affable, good humored, patient, forgiving and joyful, with respect to each other?s imperfections and frailties, to the end of their lives. ?
- ?? Bubolz: swamp milkweed, eastern Fox snake, chorus frog
- ?? Heckrodt: turk?s cap lily
- ?? Teresa taking photo course across from Monehegan Island, Maine
- The Town That Would Not Allow Cats(is swarming with brazen squirrels, chipmunks, bunny rabbits, groundhogs, voles, moles, mice, ground squirrels, marmots, pikas, lemmings... And red-tailed hawks.
- Disbelief in Appleton, Wisconsin.
I drive my children to school every day along a route that roughly follows the Fox River. They attend local Catholic schools that cluster around Prospect Avenue. Prospect runs parallel to the river through Appleton's old Third Ward, past historic houses overlooking the Fox. There, amid the old oak trees around a half dozen of these historic houses, live an abundance of black squirrels.
The children and I were disbelieving the first time we saw a black squirrel. They were the same size as the gray squirrels everywhere else in Appleton, with the same large, bushy tails. I had never seen a black squirrel before and hypothesized that this was merely a gray, bushy-tailed squirrel that had gotten down someone's fireplace and had emerged soot-covered. But we all saw another black squirrel a few days later, and soon realized that a few of the yards contained not one but several specimens, all scurrying about with nuts in their mouths preparing for the winter. We now look out for them when we drive down Prospect Avenue near Richmond Avenue. They are truly beautiful, a rare and exhilerating sight in a picturesque little city. [Candice Bradley, 11/22/98]
- College Avenue Reconstruction, 2002?nothing but this for last 5 months and next 5 to come.
- O Doing sparklers & Reddish Green flowers fountains
Giant laminated Periodic Table of Elements hanging in the Baker-McHattie bathroom where the Siamese calmly unlock the drawers to remove & unravel the tissue.
- O Thick blue of chicory & yellow of trefoil
- O Bloodroot dye paintings of bloodroot
- O Mexican baked goods
Short Cuts, film starring Lily Tomlin & Tom Waits
§ Basil, shitake, cilantro & garlic tops, free strawberries
Touching churning fish (bass?) at bottom of spillway under the willows on the banks of the river; Kimberly-Clark, Atlas Mill, 1878
A gar
- Found a rosary, pr of glasses, a Walkman, a gold-plated union card, polio & measles immunization cards, an ancient lock of hair from a First Haircut... in a shoebox
- O
- Making salsa sangria & pesto; being no help
- White mulberries ripening and being eaten by the slumlady's boyfriend but white mulberry tree bark fibre-paper from Thailand at Wal-Mart who has begun selling South End Press books
O Fish spears, sinkers, bobbers and Canadian crawlers
- Iron filings and magnet cyano prints; fade plant parts in sunlight until transparent
- The Benito?s salad??I?ll have that with the feud, if you will?
- Big tough black crows sit on the roof peaks each morning, crowing and cawing
- ?3500 prints?!
Julie Fries at Three Sisters, American Fries at Queen Bee, nothing at Foxley?s
- Kwasny (semi-kwasny!)(dave@eastendgallery.com)
Millefiori, filigree, sulphides, lampwork, marbries, Baccarat, Clichy, Pantin, scramble, garland, mushroom, Bohemian, swirls (1845-1860)
O The yarn shoppe has moved and Grey Goose is a vodka
- O Cy & Vong Thounsavath
- 8/7/01, Wind Cave National Park Trip Reports: Rod Horrocks, Doug Fowler, & Diana Ludwig.
Rod led a resurvey trip to the Bachelor Quarters area in the Historic Section. They discovered a few unsurveyed leads and resurveyed 323 feet of the BQ survey. Rene Ohms, Heather Lacey, Brian Fagman, David Steitl, Josh Armstrong Rene led four staff members from Jewel Cave on a recreation trip along Bishop Fowler's Loop in the Historic Section.
- ?Walkers Asked to Stay Out of the Street?, Parrot coffee milk-biscuits, ?fancy plain sardines?, Carniceria Mexico, ?cutting patterns: zigzag, small waves, big waves, zipper?
O Greg Bump (gbump@postcrescent.com)
O Doty Island
- O Doubly-charmed bariyons have been observed!
- Jeff LeMieux, isometric drawings (simplicus@hotmail.com); Drawing & Painting From the Child Within
- Vermillion Sands and Kindness of Women JD Ballard
Caren Purcell (cjmpurcell@aol.com)<BR>
- Similar to living with 2 eight-yr-olds, or puppies, or, no, bear cubs
The Niagara escarpment, edge of 650-mile cuesta; dolomitic limestone
- How To Tell The Birds From the Flowers , hammered prints, bubble prints, Pebo, handmade books, Assisi and The Covered Bridges of Bucks County by a woman outside of Allentown, a grey card, the lens should be thicker in the center than the edges, just hold it up & use a ruler
- Reminder: get plaster gelatin?gummies?molds and zinc etching plates; BOF WDNR, the forest trees
- Dawn Rutherford, Lake Hills librarian, Bellvue, WA (drutherf@kcls.org)
- O Illinois Central, Wisconsin Central, BNSF, CN, MSDR, RBBX, Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Canadian National, Ringling Barnum & Bailey Circus
O Noodle Mama at the Asian Food Store on Calumet; Justin Adams is a British Rye Cooder
- O Black-crowned night heron; Dan Mitsui (kulturterror@hotmail.com)
I like hearing the gulls, their sounds bring feelings of happiness because the only time I?ve ever heard them was at beaches & shores and I was always happy
&- #79; Cooking with sorghum & fruit & Worcestershire
O Baudolino, Umberto Eco, 2002
O Lilith?s Dream, Whitley Strieber, 2002
July 13, Louisiana quarters have arrived.? The bill of a pelican can hold more than a pelican?s belly can!?
- The handsome fungus beetle & the pleasing fungus beetle. Confusing mushroom & marshmallow. The eastern cactus (thistle)
Poets On The Peaks Gary Snyder, Kerouac, et al.
- Family Dollar, Hobby Lobby, Woodman?s and we stash 17 bars of French chocolate in the vegetable bin
O Salmon in a stovetop smoker; Goya ginger beer
- O Pulparindo, salado y enchilada, dulce de cacahuate
Three utility poles like Calvary with a transmission tower, the crescent moon and Venus
- O Tatoosh by Martha Hardy, 1947?
- O ?Moon Over Mercedes in Menasha?
Chimneyed through a ladderless trapdoor tunnel to come upon a great working space although very dusty, very large workbench table
- Los Compadres, ?elements enhanced water charged with electrolytes?, a Death-Stalker bottle rocket, railroad fungus & the attack of the Ant Army
- O Refrigerator-box-sized camera obscura; orchids
- Adventure Begins At Home!
- mountains of orange & pale cheese as far as the eye can see
O Watched Lonely Are The Brave, slept through half; about a guy & his horse.
O Had to rip grapevine off the clothesline?
- Heliographic, ferrotypes, (or ferret-types!) cyanotypes, blueprints?which Rauschenberg did
O The engineers on the trains all grin and wave
This Land Was Made For You and Me: the Life & Songs of Woody Guthrie by Elizabeth Partridge, 2002 lots of old good photos.
O There are even murals in the restrooms.
- O 2 blue bricks and a giant glass block (July 16)
O Oswego tea, butter-n-eggs, spotted knapweed, daylilies, roses, tansy, purple loosestrife, Queen-Anne?s lace, milk weed, purple boneset, yellow trefoil, asters, sweet William, bluebells
O Cormorants, turtles... tormerants and curtles
- Reflected light cyanos take 4 times as long as silhouettes
- ?You only fill your stomach and daydream; you can do nothing but eat and you are hopeless.?
- ?5,376 latest count!?
The dam-keeper lives on the dam erecting hundreds of metal sculptures.
- Cottonwoods, leaves rattling in strong winds just off the creosote-soaked railway bridge, ?Train time, train time?? (Panama Limited)
The ?Aurora?, 60-ft. embossed aluminum-in-glass solar sculpture, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Boldt Construction, around since 1889
- O Picositos, nuevi sabor, sabor avellana Y fresa
- O ?Natty Bumpo?, the reporter
O mergansers, gulls, the Little Black Train crosses at 8:27 each evening: clay slurry, limestone slurry, SOO Line
Hunter S Thompson?s birthday, Garrison mentions, ?he did what all reporters dream of: writing fiction and calling it journalism?.
Spider moon, weaving the orb under the eaves tonite. Violin music drifting between open windows; the pale dog is called ?Ripple?. Black raspberries, turkey pastrami and Rude Dog beer.
- O Turk?s cap lilies in railway bed swamps. ?Krispy Kreme Doughnuts are Coming July 27th!!?
- O Paper mills, cheese factories, blooming teasel, & rolling repeatedly through someone?s lawn sprinkler
- O ?EAT?
- O Grande Chute?s town motto: ?Tradition & Progress?
Rangefinders have no mirrors!
- § Cyanotype Photonegatives:
New Antiquarian Art
John Beaver
Appleton, Wisconsin
I am fascinated by interfaces: Art/Science; Nature/Machine; Pattern/Randomness; Abstraction/Representation; Old/New; Painting/Photography.
Cyanotype is one of the oldest photographic printing processes. Invented in 1842 by the astronomer John Herschel, and similar to the blueprint process, it has been traditionally used for making prints from large photographic negatives.
With the advent of modern digital scanning and printing technology, I discovered that it is now possible to use this antiquarian process not as a printmaking technique, but directly in the camera, as the negative ?film? itself. Since normal camera lenses block the kind of light cyanotype responds to, I have to make my own cameras. Long time exposures in bright sunlight are required for each image (due to the low sensitivity of cyanotype), and this removes all motion, while leaving its ghost. The paper negative image that results is then scanned and digitally reversed and printed. A color reversal turns the strident Prussian Blue of the cyanotype original to amber and sepia tones. The use of simple lenses in my cameras distorts and isolates the detail, and digital enlarging of the small negative to a print adds the magnified brush strokes and grain of the hand-coated paper.
I first developed this alternative process in the summer of 2000 while working on Astronomy: Images, Ideas and Perspectives, an art and astronomy collaboration between the painter Judith Baker (Associate Professor of Art at University of Wisconsin ? Fox Valley) and myself. My formal training is in Astronomy and Physics, but photography has been a love for many years. Although I use ?normal? cameras too, I am especially drawn to the painterly qualities of this photographic process, to the odd combination of the new and the antiquarian, and to the magnification of tiny, non-photographic details. It appeals to my inner nerdy-child-peering-at-pond-scum-through-a-microscope.
The artist Diana Ludwig has said this about the images:
The mood of the works is almost entirely one of hints. We peer through the veil Beaver has swept over his world, wondering. And we have to cling to the center, the only stable ground; here there is focus -- we?ve only this tunnel-like vision to work with. Leave it and move outward toward the edges and all dissolves under our feet. The intriguing graininess draws the eye in. It?s a texture to relish and savor?giving room to dream and speculate, play in, float away in. Worry about. Yes, worry, for there?s Being Here, there?s memory, nostalgia, mystery, intrigue, sadness, loss, fading-away-ness, intransigency?. fuzz of vision and blurriness of heart. So one worries: Is this the only record of this bit of life? Is this all we have? What the heck was it about? What went on? and the sinking feeling that we?ll never exactly find out?
I don?t know if my images really do all these things, but I like it.
-- John Beaver, 2002
- O § Where, o, where is avocado-coloured ink?, she wails.
- O§ And she triumphs!, with the spoils of the pursuit: 3 red milk crates of ancient descent.
§ We Prevent The House From (Possibly) Burning Down
- Origami penguins to bear boxes of chocolates; a pelican sighting and printing with Queen Anne?s lace
O OAPA?Ancient Processes Association for stuff like gum bichromates
- O§ Jilotes, ilocos chichacorn, Pearl River Bridge
O O2 oranges, a pair of scissors, a child?s painting, pennies, blue chalk, an air hose
- O§ a used Heavenly Delight in the center of the railway bridge (fireworks), marion berry syrup from Oregon; a yellow-topped table
- § Baker?s Square eatery, Encompass Company, Wal-Mart located on Integrity Drive?.. some Pakistani parents placing their child in the trunk of their car?(they take her back out)
§ Folding stop signs prove dangerous; screwing in pole in front of police officers? station, critiquing street construction, documenting demolition, reminiscing about being at the corner of S & M?
- O O July23-26, Casco and Waldo have free coffee, road to Alaska, the corner of S & U, Indian paintbrush, the Mary Hannah Page from Cleveland, Gills Rock, Porte des Morts Passage, fireweed, dream of the End Times of a Military State where I am to remember the code name I-I (eye-eye), dolostone, Northern white cedars?the tree of life, Z to ZZ, black spruce, green frog, red darner & yellow spider, Ridge Sanctuary, Cana Island: No Parking, Cty Q, fruiting liverworts---------------------------------- (a liverwort has two alternate forms in its life cycle: a gametophytic stage and a sporophytic stage. The gametophyte propagates itself vegetatively and also produces the gametes which give rise to the sporophyte. In sexual reproduction, antheridia and archegonia develop on separate plant bodies and are borne on stalked antheridiophores and archegoniophores, respectively. Fertilization takes place prior to elongation of the stalk, and a sporophyte is formed. Spores with hygroscopic elaters (slender threads that twist and coil as they dry and propel spores into the air) subsequently develop and are released. As many as 7 million spores may be formed on each plant. Vegetative reproduction may occur as a result of fragmentation or gemma cup production. In fragmentation, new plants are formed when older plant parts die at the fork of a branch of a thallus. The two branches then become separate individuals. Gametophytes produce propagative structures called gemma cups. Each gemma gives rise to numerous gemmae that are released when the cup fills with water. Gemmae that are transported to favorable sites form a pair of young plants. Gametophores appear and archegonia are ready for fertilization in early to late May. Sporogonia mature and spores are released in July.)------------------------------------ & wild oregano, dwarf lake iris as thick as fleas, Labrador tea, pyrola, range lights, Eagle Bluff light, eating on the edge of a cliff in the dark watching bats, a great horned owl and hundreds of spiders come out to work, a Common Redstart, ?Birds, Bird Migration, and Citizen Science? by Alicia Craig, Ephraim, discarded lead oil paint tubes peeking out of the humus, a puffed-up cedar waxwing, Nemastylis geminiflora (celestial lily), ?Caution: wild parsnips! When crushed will burn skin and leave brown photodermatis scars for years? Gibraltar, Fish Creek, Meridian Wayside: ?You are halfway between the equator and the North Pole?, 7 fawns and 2 turkeys, Whitefish Dunes, Kewaunee, ?shore air may fog windshield?, Aldo Leopold-designed benches, striped ground squirrels, dwarf juniper, creeping juniper, eastern kingbird family, fulgurite: petrified lightening, the classic kame whose photo is in every geology textbook, the Descent of the Horse -Fly Army attack, a young girl reciting 20 minutes of prayers towards the setting sun from a fire tower, Euphobia corollata, or flowering spurge at its foot, not far east of Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution there are 4 of the elusive sandhill cranes standing out in the middle of a hillside field, as I veer off the road they immediately take off in pursuit of the van?
- O O ?Magic Energy Juice Boost Herbal Infusion with Panax?
- OA British study finds that money can buy happiness and that there is no limit to how much it can buy. $1 ? million can move a person from very unhappy to very happy. Being married has the most effect on happiness at a value of $100,000 per year, with education being the next most effecting.
- § Mutations by Rem Koolhaas (Harvard Project On The City), Stefano Boeri, (Multiplicity), Stanford Kwinter, Nadia Tazi, Hans Ulrich Obrist (square with yellow vinyl cover)
O OEndocrinal glands (tear duct) survived because Those Who Had the Biggest Fires survived but needed to cry the most from smoke. Although emotional tears are different in that they have salt in them?
§ Gyotaku?fish printing
O§ black beans with lime-juice
?The Beauty of The Beast?
- § facsimile machines are as old as radio waves
- O§ sfumato?Leonardo?s technique
§ ?Sounds like Mexican Chewing Gum..."Gicl饺 (?zhee-clay?) The Short History of Inkjet Digital Printmaking, Including Some Nuts and Bolts of Interest to Experts and Beginners Inkjet technology is little more than a decade old. That's nothing when you consider it was over 500 years ago when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and artists such as Albrecht D?Martin Schongauer, and Lucas van Leyden began printing engravings. Now artists are turning to the once-lowly inkjet for fine-art printmaking. It's called "gicl饮" Today the use of inkjet technology for fine art printmaking is serious business. In fact, for artists willing to experiment outside traditional printmaking techniques ? etching, lithography, and screen-printing, to name a few ? digital printmaking is another means of creative expression ripe for exploitation. What's no laughing matter is that digital printmaking, not unlike photography and silkscreen in their infancy, is the target of skepticism. When you start using inkjet printers to generate original fine art, limited editions, or reproductions of existing artwork, you encounter questions of legitimacy, quality, and longevity. ?Little squirt" By many accounts, the use of inkjet printers to create fine art began in 1990, in Venice Beach, California, where musician Graham Nash began experimenting with methods of outputting his computer-enhanced black and white photographs. After more than a year of research, Nash discovered the Iris 3047 graphics printer, but wasn't satisfied with the surface quality of standard Iris papers. So, he and partner R. Mac Holbert began modifying the printer and its software so they could print on a variety of quality papers. After much experimentation and some initial successes, they produced the first gicl饬 or "little squirt.? The term giclé¥ is tossed around rather freely when it comes to digital fine art prints, which simply adds to your confusion when someone trying to sell you art by the next Picasso launches into art-speak. Originally, giclé¥ applied to output on an Iris inkjet printer, specifically the Iris 3024, 3047, or the 3047G (renamed the Iris GPRINT in 1998). But today, depending on whom you talk to, giclé¥ refers to digital fine art prints output on any high-quality inkjet, for instance, those done on an Epson 3000 or better. Jon Cone of Cone Editions, Ltd., in East Topsham, Vermont. "However, if I consider what an Iris [printer] can do that is different from other outputs, then the project [is] determined by understanding the qualities of an Iris print. The process is fundamental to printmaking, because there isn't that much difference at the project level in terms of how decisions are made between a digital project and an etching project, for example. ?How an artist creates images for printmaking is highly individualized. Considered a pioneer in the field of digital fine art printmaking since the early 1990s, Cone is a developer of printmaking software and archival inks. Cone collaborates as master printer with a number of artists, such as Richard Avedon, Kiki Smith, Robert Rauschenberg, Gordon Parks?
- § Judith saw the naked-mole rat playground in Seattle in January
- § Circuit board with cooling fins laid neatly behind the spotted knapweed
§ Three giant cinnamon rolls for a buck. HTML code. Walking in the pouring rain. 125-yr old sundial on the wall; a blue-coloured art building; it?s on Pacific, be specific!; in the window: a father & son asleep in a chair, in another in the brick house on the corner with the underloved dog which will one evening bite me, a young man is always practicing the piano with great assurance, in another shelf upon shelf holding a giant collection of rectangular metal lunch boxes; rabbit toenails clickering on the roadway; there is no fence to keep one from walking into the lock in the dark, although the lock-keeper?s station has a house number
- UPS man?s radio is tuned to NPR
civil security that tickets bicyclists
that tickets a car parked a little less than straight in a space at a museum
all enterprises are named in a person?s given name (not last name)
?We Energies? company as in "wheee!"
The only store in the world that sells LARGE clear plastic bags which are perfect artwork enclosures.
the Mormon missionaries ride mt. bikes
Man trundling a pushcart of ice creams(or ices) for sale
Seven million bicyclists and forty-eight mopeds (scooters, recumbents, a 4-seater recumbent
a man turns around and drives back about 5 minutes later to tell some people in another car that he has made a mistake & given them wrong directions
the painted labels on the beer bottles dissolve in water
the mayor has a pageboy haircut and acts like Garrison Keillor
there's a kind of soda called "Jolly Good"
AND there's a mysterious thing called "frozen custard"
the recyling dumpsters are round, black and the size of volkswagons
the potpie and pastys aisle is miles long
there's signs on utility boxes reading "Public: Please call if light is on."
One doesn't have to ask for pepper & ketchup at the fast food joints!
and they play a game called "disc golf"...with frisbees.
a couple in a parking lot painstakingly examine and extricate a small yellow moth from their windshield
the dark side, the criminal nature emerges with a tale of someone-gasp!- putting out their cigarette on someone?s car hood? and leaving the butt so they?d know. Tcht, shocking.
seven million bunnies and squirrels just hopping around without a care in the world (cat leash law)
24-hour local NPR talk radio featuring topics such as 10 Natural Wonders of Wisconsin, and, Everybody Loves the Traditional Wisconsin Fish Fry
Even gas station clerks are eager to discuss downtown art galleries.
benches to rest on sprinkled throughout the supermarket
on one block: a man cuddling a frightened cat, a paper boy stopping to talk with a white haired old woman, someone using a hand push-mower
night bridges full of busses
signs on small substations reading: ?Public: Please call if light is on.?
murals everywhere you turn
the telemarketers are polite, mild, even pleasant
little icons of cute little red foxes and cute little red apples everywhere
the bike/walk trails are kept open and lit all nite
at the grocery store one woman pauses to give a 3 minute explanation on securing the ripest melon in a bin, and another spends about 10 minutes giving a detailed description of making pizza-burger pizzas w/ cheap meat, showing me where in the meat counter to get the best deal on brats and just chatting
many 4-way intersections have ?Yield? signs and many others have no signs at all
§ every neighborhood is overflowing with lawn-less yards, replaced with vegetables and mounds of flowers, tame or wild & weedy. Even the most dilapidated homes have hot pepper plants or purple basil being nurtured by the front steps, for kris sakes!
§ While most people feared nuclear blasts early in the Cold War, a small group of scientists working & living in La Jolla, Calif., had a different attitude. In the 1950?s & 60?s the saw nuclear explosions as the promising means to sending a spaceship to another planet. Led by physicist Theodore B Taylor & including the author?s father, project Orion was the attempt by these scientists to create a spaceship fueled by explosions that could release a million times the energy of a conventional rocket. These men spent 7 yrs. Trying to get the project off the ground, struggling both in the lab & through the maze of political bureaucracy. Shooting way beyond the moon, their goal was to send a 4,000-ton spaceship to Mars by 1965 & Saturn by 1970, but the political obstacles became too daunting. Government leaders just couldn?t advocate nuclear blasts in space. Dyson deftly weaves this story from accounts relayed to him by his father & other scientists who made up the inner circle of the project. Recently declassified documents add further insight.
Project Orion: the true story of the atomic spaceship, 345 pp. George Dyson, ? 2002
- 1. Lonesome Day 9. Further On (Up The Road)
2 Into The Fire 10. The Fuse
3. Waiting On A Sunny Day 11. Mary's Place
4. Nothing Man
5. Counting On A Miracle 12. You're Missing
6. Empty Sky 13. The Rising
7. Worlds Apart 14. Paradise
8. Let's Be Friends (Skin to Skin) 15. My City Of Ruins
?Further In?, Greg Brown
How To Gain Access to the City Dump. Asian, & Mexican, groceries. Bookstores.
§ Having no cloth available the shirt I sleep in was used to make another type of light-sensitive print. Legend has it Rauschenberg grabbed his blankets one unseasonably warm day in January? hm, Doug brought this shirt back from Kansas on the trip where I flew out to meet him for our 3rd or so date, & in a café ©n Cooke City, Montana, I talked to john the first time, on the phone, feeling silly
- O§ The ?Less than $1000 donors??
- O§ trout boils & brat frys
O§ Mr. Hanky & I talk about balloon flowers; curious young Ripple meets Mister Porkie.
- § ??if the painter wishes to link her hand to the unconscious as Pollack did: ?I must lay on the first stroke of paint. After that, I insist that the canvas do at least half the work?? ?The canvas, which is to say the unconscious, considers that first stroke, and then it tells the painter?s hand how to respond to it?with a shape of a certain colour & texture at that point there. And if all is going well, the canvas ponders this addition and comes up w/ further recommendations.? Kurt Vonnegut sometime after 1956
- § The Kingbird Highway; The Story of A Natural Obsession That Got A Little Out Of Hand, by Kenn Kaufman
- § Hollering Bob
§ ?Well, everybody knows & appreciates the value of concrete??
§ ?Some of their ideas were good, many were useless.?
§ ?This has been the nicest job with the nicest people and the nicest project in the nicest place?in fact the nicest thing in all of Wisconsin! And this is the best little city in all the free world? ?People are coming from all over NE Wisconsin to see and drive down the new street!?
§ ?Bump-outs?Give Them a Chance!?
§ ?At first it started out as a rumour, then it was almost a fact, then it was a fact. These light poles did not want to get themselves delivered!?
§ teensy pink cheesecakes (remember this)
§ Will the Grading Contractors really do your grades?
§ and of course, Hello?! It?s just a fucking street!
§ Place settings at a round table as an example of one displacement causing broken symmetry?
§ Red Banshee beer, red curry paste and red beans with cumin & cilantro
Summaries?- § ?I?ve learned A LOT!?
§ ?I don?t know what I?m doing.?
§ ?I?m the PHOTOGRAPHER, THAT?S why I?m taking pictures.?
§ Turning to her husband, ?I feel I can do ANYTHING now. ?but you?ll have to help??
§ ?I?m an experienced retail gook-seller.?
§ ?Oooh! Here's my head!?
§ Possible titles or chapter headings: Playing In The Street; Hey Lady!; Only You; A Ladder, The Drunk, and Disarming A Police Officer?
- § ?corporation: a bastardized child of the law lacking a soul to save and a but to kick. A public service announcement from Mark Mahoney, Attorney at law??
- O§ a purple bucket
§ going down the tracks, a red-tailed hawk, 2 green herons and taking a katy-did for a long drive
- O§ Vero Mango; compass plants, blue vervain; chocolate soy milk, button bush
- O§ arrowhead is called duck potato after ?wapatoo?
§ the important distinctions between plant water, coffee water, and orchid water.
§ mounds of buttons washing out of the black dirt from the rags ground for paper
- O§ blown fuses and wooden stairs; Black Girl, Black Girl, where did you sleep last nite? In the Pines, In the Pines, where the sun never shines
- § August 5, we bear gifts for Dave, Judy & Cathy: 3 jars of jam, wildflowers, and one dead bird.
- O§ Taking impressions off tombstones with our friend, Sculpey? with children for look-outs, and sawing violins in half; will you really sell it for $3000?
- ISLE AU HAUT LULLABY (Hay Ledge Song) (Gordon Bok)<BR>
If I could give you three things,
I would give you these:
Song and laughter and a wooden home
In the shining seas
When you see old Isle au Haut
Rising in the dawn,
You will play in yellow fields
In the morning sun.
Sleep where the moon is warm
And the moon is high.
Give sadness to the stars,
Sorrow to the sea.
Do you hear what the sails are saying
In the wind's dark song?
Give sadness to the wind,
Blown alee and gone.
Sleep now, the moon is high,
And the wind blows cold;
For you are sad and young
And the sea is old.
- § Artemisia Gentileschi and the Authority of Art: Critical Reading and Catalogue Raisonne
by R. Ward Bissell, R. Ward Bissell
The Passion of Artemisia by Susan Vreeland
Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi by Keith Christiansen, Orazio Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi by Mary D. Garrard
Artemisia Gentileschi around 1622: The Shaping and Reshaping of an Artistic Identity (The Discovery Series) by Mary D. Garrard
Artemisia: A Novel, Alexandra Lapierre, Liz Heron (Translator)
- § Beige mushrooms with dark purple flesh squishing underfoot, an abandoned deconstructed stations?of--the-cross in the dark St. Joseph woods between Peabody and Telulah, two towering Common Douglas-firs stand sentinel over the alcove in the most ruins (yes, what is Douglas fir, I keep asking, too) needles: ? -1 ? ?, white stripe beneath, thin-stalked, leave circular scar when removed; cones 2-3 ? ?, pendent, thin-scaled with peculiar & obvious 3-pointed bracts that extend well beyond the cone scales; grey squirrels pursued by red-tailed hawks; the trees are labeled in Riverside cemetery: a Kentucky coffee tree and the Balm of Gilead tree, Nine Ravines, a futuristic sewage plant, and a 14-foot white oak carved out of stone
- O§ Insty-prints, Etch-a-sketch photos, cicada on a screen; a Frank Lloyd Wright house in Beaver Dam, WI
- § Milwaukee Journal, cigarette smoke, eggs, coffee, South Island Street, kingfisher, dead fish, the Flaming Pipe Story, Venus floating and wavering above a stack, ?a UFO made entirely of paper?
- O§ Stacy Levy, Pennsylvania, Mold Gardens, Bacteria Tubes, Bacteria Columns
- § ?Rain For Rent?, the pigeon ledge, watery stone chambers, river water gushing under buildings, crouching at the edge of the illusion of the chasm, wonderfying the underbellies of bridges, "Diana, you're surrounded by dead fish!" and later, much, much, later, "you really didn't want it taken."
- O§ the elevator and escalator are the first to be built & the last to come down
§ Struggle with Smena on the curb outside the courthouse in Old Third World
O§ Six pounds of fresh food in five forms stuffed into two red panniers: $3.67; a quart of honey, $4.00
O§ fresh maps, a birth certificate, the king of hearts, the Harley dealer and a fire brick with star-shaped holes
- § The Peggy?s Writing Missions, lowering the flood gates, ?new chemicals? excitement, being awestruck is getting nigh on damn tedious, colour-separation proposals
- § ?You will get peace through order?, ?she tried to hurt herself? and ?coffee honey?
- O§ 506 North State Street, The ColdWell Bonkers, dream?s price tag: $68,900 (andy_cbtreg@hotmail.com)
O§ chupirul & Indego Pale
- § want ads: general labor (several), no exp. nec., pipe grinder, $9, concrete workers $9, rural mail carriers, animal helper (?must enjoy working with animals?), taxi drivers, and the Sunshine Day Care Center needs a janitor; rents are $400-500; and someone going by J.B. in town is ready to ?play??what more could one ask for?
O§ Mastering the remote operation of the borrowed teevee, everyone?s favorite interviewee.
- § Little muskrats-in-love sounds,
- I'S THE B'Y (trad: Arranged and added to by Gordon Bok)
I's the b'y that builds the boat,
and I's the b'y that sails her,
I's the b'y that catches the fish,
en home to 'lizer.
cho: Swing your partner, Sally Tibbo,
Swing your partner, Sally Brown,
Fogo, Twillingate, Morton's Harbour,
All around the circle
Sods and rinds to cover your flake,
Cake and tea for supper,
Codfish in the spring of the year,
Fried in maggoty butter!
I don't want your maggoty fish,
That's no good for winter.
I could buy as good as that,
Down in Bonavista
I took 'Lizer to a dance,
I'faith, but she could travel!
Every step that she did take
Was up to her knees in gravel!
Susan White, she's out of sight,
Her petticoat needs a border,
Old Sam Oliver in the dark
He kissed her in the corner!
- § ?Sit down and do what you must do (writing),? and ?Fiction?it?s how we change the world. By envisioning it,? Garrison Keillor
- O§ Warning over the Tyme is money machine: ?There can be no reasonable expectation of privacy.? And the magical new Main street has video cameras at the intersections?
§ A pool table to Kimberly, a mistress, homemade lentil soup, spiced squash seeds and Hawaiian coconut candy with weevils, eat ?em up, yum!
- O§ A tree full of screeching, squealing, quarrelling coons shakes wildly against the night sky with stars, ?he?s a damn boy scout!?
- O§ Common Tansy a few yards from John Street contains a toxic oil called tanacetum
§ ?Here at NPR we break the news?.then we put it back together.?(??)
- § ?Warning: May induce literacy!? a look-alike grey warning pop-up window on the BloodHag site. Bl?ag is a band from Seattle, WA. They are dedicated to the promotion of literacy in a Heavy Metal format. All their songs are short speed metal bios of some of the greatest science fiction writers of all time. With songs such as "J.R.R. Tolkein and "Michael Moorcock" they will blow your illiterate ass right back to the library.
She spoke of the dichotomy 'twixt nature and technology.
Her hainish stories began an ambitious chronology.
Some authors should teach a course on deviant psychology,
her course would be cultural anthropology.
The Dispossessed is a masterpiece of anarcho-syndicalism.
The Left Hand of Darkness' held gender analysis and assured feminism.
You were always coming home to all aspects of utopianism.
Will earth survive to justify your optimism?
Ooh ah Ursula Ooh ah Ursula!.
Pretty Good For Never Having Gone To College, Ray
But When I Saw You On TV I Felt You Owed Me An Apology
But Not For: Fahrenheit 451
Not For: Golden Apples of the Sun
Not For: Something Wicked This Way Comes
Not For: Martian Chronicles, Volume One"
He's the shaper of our dreams from the dark side of the century
If you lived through Crash then you know what I mean...
This is the end of our technological dream, J.G. Ballard skipped the space age entirely (x2)
The Drowned World. The Crystal World. The Wind From Nowhere
The Atrocity Exhibition renamed for export - USA! USA!
This is the end of our technological dream, J.G. Ballard skipped the space age entirely
On the streets of Shanghai at the age of nine he almost lost his mind
When he lost his wife
She fell and died before his eyes
The Company of Women he was denied!
Empire of the Sun. Concrete Island!<BR>
Write in a store window the girls watch your lobes flex Still, no one could guess what you would write next. Like you might write just to read your own name. Your early work made good TV game...
Still, no one could top you at your short
fiction. No one could stop your Dangerous Visions.
We wrote this song don't let it get to your head You'd like it more If your name's all we said! Harlan, Harlan Ellison! Harlan, Harlan Ellison!
A lot of people call you a prick Cause you talked a little shit About Philip K. Dick
Mephisto in Onyx Phoenix Without Ashes Couldn't write a real novel to save your ass!
- § August 12, stumbled over a loaf of crusty French bread in the doorway this evening and this morning found a man in the kitchen
- § Five Minutes Past Midnight in Bhopal, by Dominique LaPierre (Frenchman) and Javier Moro (Spainard) The number of the dead could only be narrowed down to between 16,000 and 30,000 and this figure was based on the amount of wood used for pyres and the amount of cloth used for shrouds? It was AT FIVE PAST MIDNIGHT in Bhopal, India, on December 2, 1984, a Union Carbide plant leaked a noxious chemical into the winter air. The wind, blowing from the north, swept deadly methyl isocyanate across the slums of the city, killing between 20,000 and 30,000 people and poisoning as many as 500,000. It was the world's worst industrial disaster, and in much of the world it has already been forgotten. Carbide said it was sabotage. But it was obvious that poor safety conditions and dangerous cost-cutting measures led to the tragedy at the plant the company had deemed "as inoffensive as a chocolate factory." Carbide never apologized. The U.S. has yet to extradite to India Carbide's then chairman Warren Anderson. Meanwhile, the company paid a measly $470 million in compensation, on the condition the Indian government press no further legal charges, and very little of that money reached the victims. Seventeen years later, women still give birth to diseased and deformed babies and 160,000 people are still awaiting treatment.
- O§ OldBananaNavyGap (it?s all one)
- § Soaring Eagle, Ho-Chunk, Meskwaki, Majestic Pines, Isle of Capri, Kewadin Lakefront, Rainbow, Oneida, Keshena, Carter, Chip-In, Black River Falls (casinos on Dreamcatcher Tours)
§ the Copyleft Movement, (Wikipedia)
- § the Slow Food Movement Eric Schlossar, in his recent best-selling book, "Fast Food Nation," aptly put his finger on the issues from unfit meat processing plants to cholesterol-clogging hamburgers to antibiotic-drenched meats and poultry. Tie that together with a growing fear of pesticides, and it becomes understandable that purer foods, like organic produce, are being consumed at an unheard-of rate Slow Food is a fast-growing international organization with 65,000 members in 50 countries, 5,000 of which are scattered among 62 chapters in the U.S., where membership has grown 20 times in the last three years alone. "Slow Foodies" find each other through mutual disenchantment with supermarket produce aisles and fast-food strips. Chapters exist in every major market -- and the smaller ones too -- from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Bozeman, Montana. Unlike politics and religion the desire for good-tasting food always manages to transcend region, race and class. Slow Food USA professes not to be an elitist organization for the wine and cheese crowd, populated by pompous gourmands, insufferable food snobs and chefs to the affluent. Although the demographics skew upscale, membership is drawn equally from the ranks of the common people -- students, farmers, and good middle-class stock. Slow Food USA bills itself "as a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and celebrating the food traditions of North America. From the spice of Cajun cooking to the purity of the organic movement; from animal breeds and heirloom varieties of fruit and vegetables to handcrafted wine and beer, farmhouse cheeses and other artisanal products." The organization believes that many of these foods, relics of small-farm America, are at growing risk of succumbing to the effects of the fast life, which is evident in the industrialization and homogenization of the nation?s food supply. Inspired by Noah's Ark, the organization's ArkUSA seeks to identify, promote and protect foods in danger of extinction, such as the Delaware Bay Oyster; the Bourbon Red Turkey (first bred in Tennessee); Aged Dry Jack Cheese; and naturally grown, hand-parched wild rice from the lake regions of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Members are kept current with publications including "Slow,? a quarterly journal devoted to food culture around the world and "Snail," a newsletter dealing specifically with the U.S. marketplace. Ironically, as Patricia Unterman notes in the San Francisco Chronicle, "Slow Food started years ago as a response to the arrival of the first McDonald's on the Spanish steps in Rome by Carlo Petrini, a northern Italian food journalist lamenting the erosion of civilized dining." Continues Unterman, ?the growth of Slow Food is a cry against the indignities of modernization -- the irresponsible use of technology, the homogenization and standardization of food and the abandonment of the dinner table." According to Slow Food leadership, they're more than happy to remain a micro-economy, providing support where necessary by matching producer with consumer, albeit on a slow, small scale. The real question is whether Slow Food will remain a movement or develop into a fully-fledged force to be reckoned with.
§ Rolling Thunder (Jim Hightower) The Rolling Thunder Down-Home Democracy Tour reawakens a great American tradition of asserting the power of regular people to fight for their rights; throws in some enlightening education, soul-stirring music, mouth-watering food and drink; tops it off with a good jolt of Jim Hightower wit and wisdom, plus invigorating insight from firebrand speakers ranging from Jesse Jackson Jr. to Barbara Ehrenreich, and shazam! It creates a thunderstorm of motivated minds and bodies demanding our democracy back from the greedheads and boneheads who have taken it hostage. Oh, and most importantly, we intend to have one hell of a good time every step of the way back to true democracy. Jim Hightower has teamed up with the numerous folks and groups listed on the back to bring this democracy organizing festival - a community gathering reminiscent of the Chautauquas of yore - to various towns across the United States. We'll work with groups who are yearning to solidify and strengthen the ties between community organizations and constituencies who share a bottom line - empowering people, but who focus on different issues. This tour aims to foster collaborative efforts that benefit us all, especially at the local level. Consider bringing together a large and broad group of progressive constituencies (not just leaders) to spend a day or two in a sort of citizenship fair ? learning from each other, getting top-notch training on everything from media work to fundraising, having activist workshops on issues and organizing, participating in both short-term and long-term strategizing sessions, getting energized by two or three rousing speeches, joining in a march or demonstration, and simply celebrating and reflecting on the breadth, depth, and power of grassroots progressive activism. Connecting farmers with environmentalists, Democrats with Greens, progressive businesses with labor, Teamsters with turtles, the bowling league with the League of Women Voters, bubbas with bean sprout eaters -it's the only surefire way we can create meaningful democracy. And the more fun we have along the way, the more people will want to join us. Rolling Thunder will be an uplifting celebration that brings all sides of town into contact, not merely gathering organizational leaders, but reaching into the neighborhoods, clubs, churches, union halls and fern bars, and encouraging them to get to know each other, learn from one another, laugh, eat and see what we might do together. It aims, in short, to jump-start a movement of populist awakening. But remember, democracy is not something that just happens; it has to be built from the ground up.
Daily Afflictions: the Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe
- § The Lee Winkelman Corrollary (to Nietzsche): What doesn't kill you, could very easily maim you."
- § Michael Barrish has updated the end to Beckett's trilogy:? I can't go on. I'll go on. What's up with that?"
§ James Schumann, AKA Xenopscylla Cheopis, undoes 400 years of Cartesian rationality: Cogito ergo eh* (I think therefore so what)
- § David Huckle, 15 years old, rephrases Nietzsche for his generation: ?Christians wish sex wasn't fun, because it would make sin seem impossible, and turn hell into a legend."
Pablo Z, from Brazil: ?Hell is older people." (Sartre, at 5)
§ Valerie Greer reinterprets Pogo for the post-9/11 world: ?We have met the enemy and he is us. Now, how do we keep him out of the country?"
- § Andrew Cornell reconfigures Nietzsche for the current recession: ?When you look long into an abyss, the abyss will look into your credit rating."
? Leslie Tremmel: "There is a Pope, but not for us." (Kafka, during his brief and historically overlooked flirtation with Presbyterianism) Submit your own reinterpretation and win! [win what?]
Here, an alternative magazine
THE EARTH BENEATH YOUR FEET (Blacksburg, VA) By Madelyn Rosenberg Compost makes me homesick. Not just any compost. Alan's compost. He sent me a picture of it over the Internet: two rich piles of Virginia dirt mixed with garbage, neatly contained in a pallet fence he built himself. "If you come home," said the attached e-mail, "I'll build you one just like it."...
BLUE STREAK (Meadville, PA) By Rob Noyes "Hold it! Just one moment, if you please." Three seconds into my first impressions of the Conneaut Lake Blue Streak and I'm prevented from boarding the train by a grizzled old ride operator in mechanics' overalls...
ZIPPO-TOWN (Bradford, PA) By Peet Cendecella (Ambulance Band) "It ain't been the same around here since the oil companies pulled out." I was sitting in a Ford Econoline full of video equipment, smoking cigarettes with...
- O§ Noodle House Industrial Company
- OOJonathon Lightbody (jonathan@kopykake.com)
OOAniDiFranco teaming up with Greg Brown
§ Wainright Woods, Ltd, Wyommissing, Pennsylvania building a kiln.
- § see artistic license here: http://www.geocities.com/diwigy/artliar
?????? Front (reverse)
- O§ ?Delishus? brand potato chips, Goya Malta, Torke whole bean
Ferns are in reality aggressive.
- O§ Water spangles (another name for duckweed); royal, ostrich, sensitive, cinnamon, Christmas, wood
O§ ? Ten cent chocolate bars, light sour dough boule, hot head cheese
§ Walking in the sun six blocks with six glass bottles of water-soluble labeled Adler Brau including Red Hunter ("there was no bolder radical politician than J. McCarthy") and three full sheets of loosely rolled rag paper. And the "-ized" sign... addled.
- O§ If "if's" & "and's" were pots and pans, we'd have no need of tinkers.
- O§ If you put your shoes upon the table, you'll be bad when you're able.
§ ? What would Jesus view?, Statewide Razing, artichoke toppings, August 16: hear news that Galen Rowell has been killed; ?a little MAN on my shoulder?, Comet can gleefully perched on her bedroom shelf, ?I could cut open your chest and sew in a dead cat and you wouldn?t get infected?, Agatha, warbling "Pine 'n' Nuts" cereal box, "put the camera to sleep, john", a belly button light
- § Wax resist, blender pen, image transfers, Lori Kay Ludwig (lorikay.ludwig@sru.edu), sew instead of glue, round robin handmade book, plaster paper, emulsion lifts, reconstruct, pack film, cork stamps, accordion pages, metal hinges, 7 colour viscosity-etching, paste-paper, polymer plates, letterpress printer, vertical fold, tea staining
- O§ ?a personal journal, though essentially private, can be created with the knowledge that it will be shared with others, and should be rightfully considered a work of art.?
- § Little squares of black windows, the dam sweeper winging to and fro, Black-shirted Man Crossing the Night Bridge, Moon Over Mill, that yellow bike is me, Red means run, son, Green lights at the end of the street means go on and tear up the world, girl, hear what I say
§ Forbidden Truth: Oil, Afghanistan and American Companies; What we knew and when we knew it, 2002
- O§ Rush will have a good time with this one: the ocean is a significant source of gases that were previously assumed to be primarily from industry. On a more eerie note antidepressants & other drugs as cocktail in water is killing little organisms in nature.
§ August 23, hear James Trafficant is in prison.
- § The same memo went on to say the vessel?s owners ?were not responding adequately to our request? to rectify matters concerning modifications that were made to the vessel without prior approval or notification. During the years of operation, there were concerns about the carriage of dangerous goods regulations being misunderstood. As well, some practices appeared to be ?inconsistent with generally accepted rules or seamanship.? Transport Canada official Brian Wyeth said such issues weren?t unique to the Northern Whale, ?but have been witnessed to various degrees on other vessels in our area.? Another series of documents and statements regarded the Lady Rosella Regina B, which will in October finish the Jackson?s Arm to Harbour Deep run, but will be on contract until late spring to backfill the southwest coast. In a 1999 incident, the T.B. Services ferry had an incident in which a heater overturned on a plastic carpet runner and passengers noticed smoke. They also reported a leaking oil drum. Baker said the incidents were dealt with at the time and the service has improved. He said the provincial service operates 16 routes around the province, with 25,000 round trips a year to 32 different ports. ?If Transport Canada didn?t consider our vessels seaworthy and safe to operate they wouldn?t issue the (sailing) certificates,? Baker said. In none of the cases were the certificates revoked.
- O§ Simple Simon Bakery, Andy Warhol and teddy bears, spackle, free wood to lug through the streets freeto batter images upon.
§ yellow plastic tape lying soggy for almost half a mile, everyone with scissors, and smiling cement mixers, shovels and firetrucks Mike Mulligan-style waiting to parade down Main Street; ten cents for a lettering guide
- O§ Tianjin salted cabbage
- § The Hydrogen Economy written byJeremy Rifkin ( pres. Foundation on Economic Trends)
§ Feels like my head?s full of spiders have so Many ideas, and very hard to figure out what to do. They must be busy building webs too.
- § Coons as big as small bear cubs gallop around the streets near the old mills; misplaced downhill skier from Colorado misses real mountains; a couple relocated from along the wide Missouri in Nebraska shares my excitement; Canada geese form ?v?s? more and more; mallard forms scattered like dark pinballs all over the silvery river, blue in the dark
- § Creme, King of Baits, The Original Plastic Worm, "Scoundrel" model; Waves come sloshing in to shore of the dammed portion of river the water is a solid green pea soup color & consistency that causes a gag-reflex?but out at Tehulah Park a water skier is skimming the water? oops, there he falls?; ?Weekend film? from Agfa, Germany; circling back for a second lung-full of hot chicken and gravy and mashed potatoes wafting seraphimly out of Michiel's
- § Posted Jan. 08, 2003
Fox River cleanup to begin in 2004
Limited scope of PCB effort defended
By Ed Culhane
Post-Crescent staff writer Government managers of the Fox River PCB cleanup said critics of their decision to issue a partial decision Tuesday have likely misunderstood their motives.
Even though the Record of Decision, or ROD, only covers part of the river, government regulators say the cleanup will begin in 2004.
Though environmental groups contend the current approach is not aggressive enough, Tom Skinner, Region 5 director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, said the idea is to speed the cleanup, not slow it down.
?Our foot is on the accelerator, and it is not coming off,? Skinner said. ?This should not be taken as an indicator that we are slowing down. We need to make sure the problem gets cleaned up and that the river is safe for folks.?
The partial ROD available for public inspection is the final cleanup plan for 26 of the 39-mile river downstream from the Menasha dam to the dam at Little Rapids in Brown County, roughly halfway between Kaukauna and De Pere. It calls for several area paper companies to spend an estimated $76.1 million dredging PCB-contaminated sediments in Little Lake Butte des Morts, a 6-mile-long widening of the Fox River between the dam at Menasha and the first Appleton dam, and monitoring PCB levels in the less-contaminated stretch between Appleton and Little Rapids.
The second and final phase of the ROD will be issued in June, regulators said, to cover the remaining 13 miles of river and the waters of Green Bay where the vast majority of PCB pollution is located.
When complete, the two decisions will make final a cleanup plan issued by the agencies in October 2001 that calls for seven area paper companies to spend an estimated $308 million to dredge and landfill river sediment with PCB concentrations greater than 1.0 parts per million from parts of the river between Little Lake Butte des Morts and the bay of Green Bay.
PCBs or polychlorinated biphenyls, a class of long-lasting industrial chemicals discharged into the river by several area paper companies between 1954 and 1971, are considered by health officials to be a human carcinogen and a ?hormone disrupter? linked to birth defects in wild birds and mammals and developmental disabilities in the children of mothers who regularly ate PCB-contaminated fish. Separate state and federal studies have identified the Fox River as the single greatest source of PCB pollution in Lake Michigan, contributing 70 percent of the daily influx.
Issuing the partial ROD ? which calls for paper companies to dredge 784,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediments from Little Lake Butte des Morts ? allows the government, and the paper companies if they cooperate, to begin the detailed engineering work this summer that would allow for dredging to begin in the early spring of 2004.
To hold off, Skinner said, would have meant the loss of a construction season.
?We think this is nothing but a positive,? he said.
Skinner said the agency is still analyzing sediment samples taken in Green Bay in response to massive public comment on the issue after the release of the proposed cleanup plan in October 2001. That plan called for no direct action the bay, sparking strong protests by environmentalists and a public debate on widely varying estimates of how much PCB contamination exists in bay sediments.
?I am concerned there is a misunderstanding by those who complain that we split the ROD, thinking that the alternative was to issue a complete ROD today,? Skinner said Tuesday. ?The alternatives were to issue a (partial) ROD or to hold off altogether. To us, the second course of action made less sense. We are going to go full steam ahead on the other (river sections) downstream.?
The critics remain doubtful.
Rebecca Katers of the Clean Water Action Council said the government has had enough time to analyze bay samples collected last fall.
?Here they are telling us there will be another summer of studies. It?s like they?ve regressed. They are not really making a decision. They are going to do more studies on the first two river segments and then get back to us on the details, which is what we thought getting today. It is very depressing. This is a public health emergency, but they don?t seem to be treating it with any sense of urgency.?
Jennifer Feyerherm of the Sierra Club had similar misgivings, although she did applaud the EPA and state Department of Natural Resources for developing a cleanup plan based on sound science.
?Cleanup of the first section will take at least six years,? she said. ?Cleanup of the rest will take longer. We must start as soon as possible.?
Chris Gower, an attorney for Arjo Wiggins Appleton, had lobbied against the issuance of a partial ROD, because it has the legal effect of pitting companies against each other, making it more difficult to achieve a negotiated settlement. Argo Wiggins is French company that owned Appleton Papers before selling it to the Appleton employees. It retains a major liability for the cleanup.
?From our point of view, a whole-river settlement and remedy is preferable to a partial one,? he said. ?Besides, they are not going to learn anything between now and June when they propose to make a decision on the remaining sections of the river.?
Rep. Mark Green said the partial decision moved the agencies only slightly closer to a cleanup and left too many unanswered questions.
?I appreciate in that they?re trying to get as much scientific evidence as they can. On the other hand, I think they have to understand how frustrated the public is because of how long this seems to be taking. Their announcement touches about 5 percent of the PCBs in the area. My concern is the tough choices and the heavy lifting remains to be accomplished.?
Ed Culhane can be reached at 993-1000, ext. 216, or by e-mail at eculhane@postcrescent.com
- § ?We are Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.?
§ Wisconsin just passed a law requiring schools not to start until after Labor Day holiday?this is to make sure that no tourist dollars are lost.
§ Running out of food, soap, money; they?re presumably running out of patience; bumper sticker: "Everyone Has The Right To Be Stupid. But You're Abusing The Privilege".
- § Rather off-balance the artist on the bicycle weaves down the road past the cheese outloading dock carrying a glass six-pack of beer; signs on the riverside: a cloth bag printed with "Seeing Ahead, Defining Direction", fish-shaped wood, 4 pens including one that reads: "A Work Of Heart"....; fat crows, kingfishers, cormorants, gulls, Canadas, blue herons, night herons, pigeons, swallows, bats, pale adobe-tan fish with wings that fly; lightening from a brick pile. Tornado through Ladysmith.
- § Family Services of Green BaySue Huber 9204366800 Wandering Thirteen Valleys Crying Out
DOG 2002, by D. Ludwig
- DOG Contained by: Invisible Fence
Your dog safe at home
Authorized Personelle Only
Seeing Ahead?Defining Direction
only will be away at
ense + risk
atute no. 346.55
A Work of Heart
Please Remove Shoes Before
Thank You
River Valley Testing Corporation
- ?They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn;
but without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn.
We can break their haughty power,
gain our freedom when we learn
that the union makes us strong!? Ralph Chaplin, 1915, Solidarity Forever
- Men walkin' 'long the railroad tracks
Goin' someplace there's no goin' back
Highway patrol choppers comin' up over the ridge
Hot soup on a campfire under the bridge
Shelter line stretchin' round the corner
Welcome to the new world order
Families sleepin' in their cars in the southwest
No home no job no peace no rest
The highway is alive tonight
But nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes
I'm sittin' down here in the campfire light
Searchin' for the ghost of Tom Joad
He pulls prayer book out of his sleeping bag
Preacher lights up a butt and takes a drag
Waitin' for when the last shall be first and the first shall be last
In a cardboard box 'neath the underpass
Got a one-way ticket to the promised land
You got a hole in your belly and gun in your hand
Sleeping on a pillow of solid rock
Bathin' in the city aqueduct
The highway is alive tonight
But where it's headed everybody knows
I'm sittin' down here in the campfire light
Waitin' on the ghost of Tom Joad
Now Tom said "Mom, wherever there's a cop beatin' a guy
Wherever a hungry newborn baby cries
Where there's a fight 'gainst the blood and hatred in the air
Look for me Mom I'll be there
Wherever there's somebody fightin' for a place to stand
Or decent job or a helpin' hand
Wherever somebody's strugglin' to be free
Look in their eyes Mom you'll see me."
The highway is alive tonight
But nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes
I'm sittin' downhere in the campfire light
With the ghost of old Tom Joad
- § Need to acquire: corks, wallpaper sample books, shoe polish, candy thermometer, wooden spoons, rolling pins
- § the rescued geranium is blooming in the bowels of the dark garage which smells of oil and where doth dwell the Subaru Trio
§ September 3; On the road to Freedom, hundreds of pale wooly bears running squiggly all over the road; the wind blowing every way but the right way; cheese shovels, cheese forks and curd knives; pretty yellow & black fox snake dead beside Blue Mound Road and an accident; 35 watt halogen bulbs and winter-hardy pansies; Kaul Investment Properties (sounds like something from Conan)
- § Smashing blue and white pottery and finding out how to mail a 1? x 12? x 4?; Pleiades Jewelry by Patricia Lenz.
- § September 4 night: blood and torn clothing, the tracks, boys on bikes looking over the bridge into the river, flying squirrel sounds, night heron sounds, lizard in the window, cat chasing a moth on a screen, tubby boy feeding at the fridge, a white cat skulking, cat fight screams; long banners of brightly-coloured cloth hanging in a school stairway; what would the scene be like the next day if the children found a body hanging from the playground equipment?; a cornucopia of small sheets of shiny new galvanized sheet metal; in her left hand: the happiest tail-waggiest mostly white huge bassett hound, while in the right, dragging her down the street, a wild barker Shepard; a clock in the living room that can be read across the street, stuffed fox, stuffed pheasant, stuffed wild boar running out of the wall; piles and piles of roughly-folded sheets still warm from the industrial iron-er free for the scooping; a squalling baby being taken for a hopefully lulling ride in its shiny SAV (suburban assault vehicle), a disembodied groaning from a darkened room?perhaps an alzheimered soul?; bushel baskets of swiss chard lush in a front yard with sweet corn; now none of the street signs are recognizable? someone says something loudly, the words of a muse? ?stop or you?ll get run over??? Badger St?; night-blooming saucer-sized white flowers on vines?Jimson weed family?
- O§ August 8 by Grandpa and Grandma (66 found)Was very difficult to find; looked for about 1 1/2 hrs. before our grandaughter stumbled acrossed it. Was well hidden. We did some averaging of way points and came up with the following: N 41 20.615 W 079 12.686 this may help someone else who perhaps is having difficulty finding it. Thanks for the challenge. Was a beautiful forest and we , of course,did some sightseeing while we were there. August 3 by hill_chasers (3 found)Could not find this one, after about 40 minutes of searching through the fallen trees, we had to return to pick up our bosses. It took a bit longer to get there than we expected, since when we started out we were only 1/4 mile from the coordinates, we just didn't realize before we started that it was straight up. Great sights, and lots of wildlife signs... Even the old Historic Marker from 1967 on the large tree. Should have taken the other coordinates along to try them. We need some more caches in this area, as there are lots and lots of trails. Thanks for the test and the exercise.[last edit: 8/5/2002
- § red and green aurora borealis at mosquito hill but I draw a blue heron crossing a bridge and miss it, later seeing long white pulsating beams while snails of all sizes converge
- O§ Another day, another burrito, another Ramen; dead coon
§ There are 842 elk and deer farmers in Wisconsin. (wonder if they raise corn or acorns?); assisting a young Hmoung man in town whose English is rudimentary , it turns into the blind leading the blind; if the first Walkman one finds along the road doesn?t work so well find another one that?s bigger & works better, bringing in KDKA last nite as opposed to the former which brought in priests talking about ordinations in Youngstown; DNR warns motorists in UP to watch for moose in rut;
§Encyclopedia of PsuedoScience; from alien abductions to zone therapy, Dr. William F. Williams, general editor, 2000; 400pp; and a personal trumpet serenade while I draw at the river?s edge.
§ ?My best friend gave me this barrel but I painted it?, painted on the side of a medium yellow-painted plastic barrel of water.
- § Tuesday the circus went by, dozens of silver, white & red cars of the train, Ringling, Barnum & Bailey, tigers pacing in cages, colourful curtains, plants, pot & pans in the windows of the living area cars, people leaning in the breezeways, watching the town go by?; white rack cars of pulp logs for the mills; 200 bicycles at Roosevelt middle school; fat deep purple asters,golden rod and dark black-blue sky of storm; a pair of fuzzy-red cuffs hanging on the rear-view mirror; "Have you flogged your crew today?" (Mayflower Movers) (as opposed to Two Guys and A Truck); wings of nighthawk, fallen apples, fallen acorns, 2 dozen plastic pints of vodka.
- O Bloodroot dye paintings of bloodroot
We'll Sing In The Sunshine (a fav since a kid, just happened to finally find the lyrics)
- (Gale Garnett)
We'll sing in the sunshine
We'll laugh every day
We'll sing in the sunshine
And I'll be on my way
I will never love you
The cost of love's too dear
But though I'll never love you
I'll live with you one year
And we will sing in the sunshine
We'll laugh every day
We'll sing in the sunshine
And I'll be on my way
I'll sing to you each morning
I'll kiss you every night
But darlin', don't cling to me
I'll soon be out of sight
But we can sing in the sunshine
We'll laugh every day
We'll sing in the sunshine
And I'll be on my way
My daddy he once told me
Hey, don't you love you any man
Just take what they can give you
And give but what you can
And you can sing in the sunshine
We'll laugh every day
We'll sing in the sunshine
And I'll be on my way
And when our year has ended
And I have gone away
I'll often speak about you
And this is what I'll say
You know we sang in the sunshine
We laughed every day
We sang in the sunshine
Then I went on my way
continuously editing....
§ other home: http://www.geocities.com/diwigy
May 23, 2002
some of my photos here http://www.photo.net/shared/community-member?user_id=478658
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