April 28, 2006

cool blueness

peepers and frost
peepers and frost
a blue-green egg between the railroad ties
a possum hand & white violets

April 27, 2006

Ophelia Street

Through too fast spring, past too green fields, clumps of bluets and a ravage of violets just before Ophelia street screams: "Stop!" so I do, driving once around the block and veering over the slag, just under the railroad track. Over the trestle, then two, and you scare the muddling, scuddling teens in amongst the mayapples, white violets, spring beauties-- and they are: count them every one ... young and on the river bank... with garbage scattered all around. Iron spikes in the sun, the stink of creasote, and the hand of a possum reaches out and touches me. The body lies apart, it could be mistaken for a woman's fancy hat...Dirt and garbage shall follow me all of my days...three trains go by and they're tearing apart the covered bridge. Corrugated metal swings on a high tree limb but the town is full of kids and grown-ups on bikes, and fisherpeople cluster at the falls. A pond with swimming irish setters and a bronze girl reads her book in the sun, with tulips. A cop arrests a young man and the church bells ring. Doug sez the tornado took all the trees.

April 19, 2006

wet and growing

wisconsin door crashes through my livingroom..standing on the watery plain of a foreign world. rice and beans for supper dutchman's breetches on the slopes of winnebago

April 16, 2006

life drawing

life drawings
what do you think?
seems life-size or at least large size have been forgotten..coming soon...

April 10, 2006


An ant on the drinking fountain, an ant on the bathtub, a red-winged blackbird conkarees in the windy oak with no leaves yet, and a pair of grackles walking around in the backyard

April 01, 2006

dark trotI

didnt know they made 25 & a third oz cans of beer.the seven of diamonds, a blue colored-pencil, a list of steps to make a pro basketball team, lots of barking dogs.... note to self: get daffodils from the woods