March 12, 2006

lightening flashes

Lightening flashes against the livingroom held back by cloth curtain -- the sky is moving around out there; big dark wet world with no soul, little soft fuzz-covered beings trying not to get cut or smushed...
striking rain , hitting, hard drops against metal, against shingle, tar & wood, volleys of thunder rolling and wiping the smokey Valley fields of hell.3/12/2006 5:01 AM
Hours later peal the peepers out of the damp nite
Three a.m. rain beats on metal.

Thunder gentle in the morning, patting down the neighborhood where birds of all sorts chase one another and nest--- Spring is warmly breathing on our heels

robins whinny & neigh like horses in the rainey mud everywhere.

giant snowflakes fall miles apart, strong winds around the house, robins whicker, warm bird on cold snow

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