slant 66 album-gregg brown song: Spring and All
Nat merchants album with Wayfarng stranger
warm breath breathing warmth balmy blow blows away senses.
sometimes one gets so tired of being a human on earth, so being just another animal yipping and pipping
silverfish in the bathtub
3/26/2007 4:00 PMcoltsfoot in backyard meadow
"like i kicked little cats around"Rush Limbaugh
I know where the silverfish play
3/29/2007 8:06 PM robins singing so bittersweet
yesterday mornign I had another in the series of The End of The Wolrds dreams again, everyone dropping like flies, floods, ice, disease
considerin'the major feng shui needed for the contents of rooms, living spaces, at dusk occurred that the gods always practicing their feng shui with us --htis one here and tha one here works better and lets throw out the worn out clunky one because nothing can get done in this world
"no borders no fences unbound" buffalo springfield going down
doug and chomsky under the hill where it went down, the shooting + the fear
4/1/2007 8:12 PM sun shone thru house straight thru. fuzzy bunnies fuzzy buns, bzzz bzzz bzzzz
4-2 flower list
4/4/2007 1:21 PM jobs u never think youd have editor,salesman, chef, excavator. gatthering faggots in the muddy woods
robin drying on the line, robin walking the ridgeline ogf the roof. Cold dropping in like november expectatikons
pale sherbert moon htru the pines
4/6/2007 7:52 PM steady wet snow 2nd day in a row. thick green grass showing in hthick patches . Really long icicles.
roasted a hotdog over the wood fire and ate with beans and cornbread
holly brought her borrowed inkle loom
4/8/2007 8 PM pecan pies depleted say dont cry....milling with the homeless heathen orphans us
4/9/2007 4:13 PM burnt lemon Still snowing; a redtailed hawk, a chickade and a cardinal all sing loudlyyy on turn . 89 inches of snow for season at Warren airport. and in the evening robins' trilling retiurns
4/10/2007 12:27 PM snowflurries house wrens.walking over girard bridge see blue heron and cottontail rabbit bouncing about
4/14/2007 1:04 PM Imus called cheney war ciminal repeatedly. blue heron tracks in mud on rock at river, heard ravens over the river valley, coltsfoot & arbutus barely open
4/15/2007 4:37 PM wind howling like a voice, ice particles falling from the sky
4/20/2007 4:46 PM spring beauties, bloodroot finishing, mertensia still budding, no full bloom, furry buttercup, 2 kinds toothwort, trillium still in bud inly, tiny yellow violet with spear-shaped leaves, marsh marigold,trout lilies (yellow), dutchman leaves, twin berries
4/23/2007 10:16 PM ants onthe tile in the morning, tornadoa warning in Pennsylvania
old september notes trip:yello tick-trefoil, queen annes lace, pink swet pea,orange daylilies goldenrod,pink crown vestch, white assters, Bastille DAy GET DATE, chew mailpouch tobacco
5/2/2007 Vickers nature reseerve--set at poolside long time waiting for peepers to resume, watvch lg frogs, some call; watch yellow warbler long time going around in thr shrubbery no clear virew,
5/5/2007 shenks ferry heard scarlet tanager
5/6/2007 meet the same porkie on the same place on 949, exchange same pleasantries
5/12/2007 late on 80 saw long slow meteor
5/15/2007 cardinal on head of dionysus --reading Barbara enrmerteich Dancing in the streets dianysus not about sex
and big red dog too
5/16/2007 11:16 PM dark matter evidence and up on the roof ladder nails big wind spring wind. Clever Jerry Fallwell Fall well, Jerry.out of the ashes of flint strikes sparks that light up the space in ypour head
5/17/2007 11:17 PM big red dog and fat bifg black dog
5/18/2007 cleomes are up; hear barred owl in the backyard
5/21/2007 8:40 PM what a waste of carbon--- & sometimes u forget which compromise was made for what and what price or how cheaply
may 29 fox or scat dissolves onto rock in the boulder field revealing rabbit foot with fur, moth wing and a lot of white shell bits, a shard of bone
6/2/2007 12:56 AM every now & then get a whiff of the Beginning, the smell of the long ago beginning
in th enorthern dead city & all i got was tis lousy purple tote
7-11 cicadas wlak see goldenrod and baltimore oriole
7/13/2007 6:50 PM clothes smell of smoke, like poor people, good poor, ---there are no good poeple
9/07/2007 magnolia blooming in Firt Lee
9-9-07 When did the name of campus police change from officially titled “Public Saftey” to “Security”
Magnolias blooming September 8, 2007
The seed on the sink and the end of the world
The jeep scene isn’t as real as my photos of it…the ground isn’t real because I’m not going to pull up the macadam and figure anything out
“he was tall, my everlasting soul” Ruby at Donna's
9/12/2007 Alex the Atwood mentioned parrot (Oryx and crake) dies;blu heron long & slow,, reddtail low swoop, clean & stiff-haired clean pink pigs on theirn way to heaven
10-06-07 74 degrees at 9 pm. hot and polish, children running with guns and chainsaws, a bold little girl waves her doll. Pacing the roof shilnglres , her head in the clouds, steering wheeel of the volkwagon belolow. Invasion of the cold bugs. Listewning to Odetta late sat nite. Morning started with larvae losing its balance on wooded kitchen table & tumbling backwards, whatcha get for leaving your acorn...
10-07-07 kids screaming in the too warm early dark; too warm the spider ponders the bounty of tiny gnat snacks filling its web;lights are on and the pool balls click snickery dickery too warm perspiring on the photo-maker on the photo-taker, sun fries and our skin crawls, earth has a fever and us is viral
all we can envision is cupcakes, sweetcakes, wooden rocking chairs and a harmonica that gives you pnuemonia
"we're bringing in the sheaves", john-barley-corn, squirrels arguing in the oak leaves, and chipmunks under the wood pile, squealing. The heart-shaped pink-coloured catfood is gone but who ate it? Doug says, "meadow brother," coughs and pushes in another Stargate.
All the Leaves Are Green and autumn will come with a shattering crash...little do we know.
10-08-07 what digitally impaired artfreak has not gone int glide upon simulataneous;ly drewamweaver supper dark headlites
10-09-07 lambs' ears at the door, dark hard-rock skies (colour?). spuce. onion fumes released gathered up nall the sicness ibn the house & hauled iyt out t o the edge of the road and threw tit in thre treash dumoper and wernt to the landfill and drained into the water supply and made th awolhole world sik. CAbn tell which waterris which the one from the faucet tastes like algae and th eone from the fridge pitcher tastes like iodine. sick to my stomach all day. all dya they cleared trees and stuff we watche wiht binoculars
10-11-07 for a minute we do not know what that odd sound isit is the sound of rain on the vent piipe cap falling in the dark cold. Our throats hurt, all of them. It is a race to keep up with not havinf something in our shopping bag of brown nabga grovceries carried in the door and on the wooden tablkel not to have a recllaed suspecte dof contaminatin ffod prooduct. By the time you go & come back form store has chnaged.
10-17-07 infection CRI radio shartwave croatia radio balllgames fundraising a very long press confernecec from the 14 yr old shooter in cleveland incident, ball games the Cleveland Indians playoffs, Burned a plate until it snapped, the spoons stove tile chipped . Doug foiund a dead tiny sparrow yesterday stiiting like asleep
10-18-07 tiny ants come in the nite to my gingrer orange lemon water in th ecup near my bed In the morning watch chickadees flitter about. warm wind blows. right ear has a continual reverberartion of every sound although only the higher pitches are very noticeable--like a fast echo in a valley. Very first writing on a "found " laptop pc in my own little preslumber nesting in blankets and pillows,,,coughing,,coughing ,,throat is tender over left-hand nodes,,,rib muscles get strained,,,th epc is stuck in timewarp stoned but is fine typwewriter. still warm today. forgot to eat last nite--pllanning on a milkshake tha tt did not materialize, i forgot to eat & got woker up twicw by tummy in pain --past the growkling & akll--- so little kids and families do go to bed hungry in america
10-19-07 scattering the dried asetr seeds they get stuck to my pile slippers; empty bottles coughing syrup, juiced lemons, ail of gingerly ailed. Its windy & there was lightening last nite
10-24?--day of the hundred train whistles and int to the night the whidstle out of the vallley
10-28-07 kitty in the attic
10-27-07the soundtrack to their lives is your beautiful by a pop singerhe sings it sleepily in th emorning getting in the car and it plays out of the [arked car
10-29?monday-07 a cirping sparrow the right temp & light and tone and it is ion the trail in the edgy solo late fall backpacks looking fo rth trail in brushy edge of woods , with ice on the edges of the brooks, frost on the brambles
11-03 doug showed me comet in the northeast after 9 near perseus Arrianne watched us curiously peeking aroiuund the corner of her porch. Every morning the big maple was a dif colour and now its lost most its leaves
11-05 thunder today and b ig drops; grey all day. Kitty came in yesterday and doug played bob dylan for her
11-06-2007 first blowing snowflakes, very windy and cold,kitty came in again but didnt eat much
11-12-07 peals of thunder and large leaves fallling fast. A lot of raining, little kitty makes itself at home half under a sleeping bag, cooked suash, late for the nursoing home in the black cold hard dark, in the black hard rain
11-15-07 noisy freezing snow & sneet, cat on the carpet, red wool plaid, breaking up wood, "wandering thirteen valleys crying out, it coulda been me". Two nites ago warmer than a bit, bunny hopping around in heradlights, 2 dogs one adark right before the model railroad church ( McPhee book here), , man running across street with coke. Kitty ignores her water bowl and drinks out of the giant green plastic watering can
11-20-07 the house has a hole in it thru which my kitty comes. sharp-shinned hawk in villlage on postal wlak thru roasting meat smells and cars full of driveways. he needs sweet scratch tunes to sooth the decay smack-gnarling grinding stabbing through. Huge yellow leaves sent down by trees to me, pages in all the books that people won't read
11-25-07 heard coyotes over towards the far northwest of Mcdonald at 3:30 am eerie yowls then yips then howls and then maybe all the area dogs replying--moon was very full and below 30 degrees, water freezing in the buckets
11-27--07 after dark heard what sounded like f lock after flock of snowgeese going overhead heading south calling; stars bright & large but lots of fast moving clouds; very gusty winds, square of moon on the tile floor
12-16-2007Got up, fed frannie tha cat, made bowl of granola and toat & bologna sandwich & bioiled water on wooodstove for coffee, 2 cups instant coffee and read Farenheit 451; started fire in wood stove , swept up, tested & strung up 5 strings of christmas lights, put cat out, wshed dishes, made nooodles and beands and beef veg sup , watrched episode of Shrlock Holmes, brough in wood from garage.found cat, put out cat, worked on dozen webpages of my site, read Funny times newspape, listen to some A Chrisstmas Carol. Wind blowinf somer, boiled water on woodstove, listen to Praire home camopanioin 2 times, cat in window, let cat in, work more on webpages, cat sleeping i front of fire, feed fire all day
and cottontail rabbit runs in the night.
March 21, 2008 kestrel on the line, kestrel lifeless on the hard rock highway, kestrel in the sky, Canada goose in a still pond, no leaves only reddish buds, crumblly , swollen streams and rivers, skeins of goose bodies dot the leaden greys, sole redwinged black bird on every tiny tree top, nuthatch hopp, tufted mouse tits inthe hemlocks, jayblues swoop and jump, chickadees , crows everuywhere, new trailing arbutus leaves but no budspicking 2 fields edged with strong pine scarfs, wrapping and clutching -- what is the pine hold? is it because the firat visioons came then and it was a time of hope ("Lordy mercy if there comes a time...') The Desire for wood My brave forsythia looks so promising; found 2 bird nests in the neighbors ancient forsythia hedge. Gravel snow and river. snow aon the high hills, Caution water not drinkable signs posted at Slocum springs, Sawmill burger sign spins, at the harley shop in the forest Support the troops, end the war ("Sally go round the roses, the roses , they cant hurt you") Why doesnt Obama or Hillary talk about class unequalities instead of focusing on the colour of our skins? Mike moore sure talks about the income gap but does not call it class; I'm not sure about Nader although he does talk about eco inequality, listening to the computerized weather voice for part of an hour, coffee-trucks: truck-coffees. Fluff of a dead skunk across from the Catholic church on the hill, parishioner steps into the road for the Good Friday service and steps back out of the way of the incoming car, (squeal of the stove door heralds warmth of wood, the firery furnace ), writer strings together spring, resurrection and vampires' undead-ness, and 2 shows deal with techincal descriptions of death by crucifixtion -- what 's the fixation? I like my hotsauce closet very much flaming endorphines of the state, on the sidewalk in the rain a wide wide bandaid wet but never wide enough to cover all the valleys and wooded hills, with snow, ice and discovery. another copper thief starts a fire, its cold , then its warm who's got the cat?, late talk with the northern man out of his watershed, strung out on sere edges , the barren , the stark, slashing, and burning up with art, whirly-gigging a werld dance, poring over words on a page in the long quiet
Wednesday March 27 08, seagulls off the lake which is less than half a block from the Knickerbocker Hotel .
April 7The university of Wisconsin Milwaukee is full of happy energized students. At least 3 times a student was engaged in energetic conversation with an older professor srtopped along the sidewalks -- this on the sunny day. Thursday it flurried most of the day, then began snowing about 3 to 1 inch. Heard a crying bird like a young hawk on top of the one science building. The day before found a bird body below it --- it had speckled brown feathers like a young bird, but its head seemed gone. There is a stack of slanted triangles of concrete outside the planetarium as a sculpture with a plaque : flyash & slag pumice?and ................. mixed in the concrete from a conference in 94. We walked to Noodles chain clarstaurant for yummy ginger lemongrass & curry soup; on the way was a backyard with panes of colored glass set in tall wooden framework on both side . First nite we went to a pizza pub for thin crakcer pizzas & guys ordered us all salads but I had cold bad & hhadnt dslept th e nite before, Steve the assistant after a couple beers kept telling me how awful/tired I looked, but was gushing about the famous experiment he was a litle involved with measuring a spread out wave that was tearing apart the fabric of some molecules, the data being sorted by roomsful of computers in the physics dept. (where the planeatarium is
JUne 11 blue eyed grasses sun heat. cat spit on robin feathers fluttering thru the carpet of , blood on white walls. bunny screams pilgramedges in predawn to the woods. mouth full of snarling teeeth but luckily they ran over the lawn shears heavy in hand even missing one grip. white wild roses spill down . tree frogs new to me(like pirkos in the catalpa) rose breasted singing ("how can I keep my heart from singing/" --maybe this is why theres a why) solved mystery of the kittys growl--at osund of garbage casbs---coons see big one silently it floats in broad daylight
3 days ago
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